
Working outside

Not least amongst other factors, the British weather means that building owners are consistently faced with challenging external situations. That may mean the need for work on the roof, with tiles and guttering often needing replacement, external repairs to windows, painting the external wood and door fittings.

On top of these problems that need to be handled, some buildings also need to present themselves in a way that encourages customer usage, whether it’s in support of their brand or whether the building contains offices/flats where the common entrance at the front says so much about what will be found inside.

In addition, there is always the need to have the means by which we gain access to the outside, including scaffolding, towers and other ways so that it is safe not only for our team but also the public in general.

We have worked with many clients on the outside of their building such as at Heathman’s Road and Murray Grove, both in London.

We would love to hear from you

For more information regarding our range of services, please contact us and let us know about your project and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements further.

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