
Office Refurbishment

A well-established shop fit out and refurbishment main contractor, specialising in the commercial, office, retail and high-end residential sectors.

Change, whether forced or unforced, is a constant in ensuring offices remain up to date and capable of operating in the modern world. Whether initiated by Government looking to bring about better use of energy or whether the owner seeks improved utilisation of the office space, change is a necessary part of providing offices.

The world of the office has changed dramatically since the pandemic, not least of all due to more staff working from home. We are specialists in delivering the changes needed, whether its new IT and associated cabling, environmental considerations or just wanting to update and smarten the offices. In these and other cases we have considerable experience of working with and to the benefit of our clients.

In just one example amongst many we have worked on a number of offices at Bergham Mews in West London. Already a modern quality operation the owners wanted to have improved office space and facilities so that they could sell higher office rentals and attract the best clients in terms of well-known international businesses. They turned to us for support and we have delivered on all their needs. So much so that we continue to work for them. This is what their owners recently wrote to say.

“Hello Team,
I just wanted to extend my congratulations and my thanks towards the almost completion of the building projects in Berghem Mews, on behalf of Mayfair and the Neumann family.
We really value the work you did for us, the overall quality of the works appear to be excellent, we value your responsiveness and the overall handling of the project. Let’s keep our fingers crossed this beautiful new space will let rapidly…
I know there are further possible projects on the way, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity to say this.
Please extend my congratulations to the rest of the people involved.
Thanks again…”


We would love to hear from you

For more information regarding our range of services, please contact us and let us know about your project and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements further.

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